
If you come along to a gathered Sunday at Carlisle Vineyard, you will find a donation station in our Upper Room where you can give in a variety of ways. We really want to be a generously compassionate people, it’s one of our core values. And so as a community, we’re pressing into living out generous compassion with all that we are and have, including our finances. Our donation station includes a contactless card machine, gift aid declarations and a joy box for cash gifts, it’s a place where you can take part in a seriously joyful act in whatever way you like!

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Online Giving

Carlisle Vineyard Church is a charitable company that longs to have even more impact into our city by leading extravagantly generous lives!  We would love to see even more happen across our region and we're thankful for the many individuals who generously and sacrificially gift us finance to do so!

To join the financial giving story of Carlisle Vineyard is simple - below is a link where you can give regularly, towards a special appeal or you can also make general one off donations using these details.

Regular Direct Debit Giving

If you would like to set up regular giving directly from your bank into ours you can use the details below.

our bank account details

Bank: The Cooperative Bank

Account Name: Carlisle Vineyard Church

Sort Code: 089299

Account Number: 65647204

If you are a UK tax payer and would like to give using our bank details, we would love to invite you to complete the below gift aid declaration form. It will boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate. Gift Aid is reclaimed by us from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Simply print off the declaration form and email/post it back to us.